Borgata online casino

Last Thursday, Berglund Construction won an Award of Excellence at the International Concrete Repair Institute’Borgata Casinos Awards Banquet in Cleveland.

Berglund was recognized for its work as construction manager on the Façade Rehabilitation Project at Wheaton Center Apartments in Wheaton, IL. Klein and Hoffman’s Mike Naponelli, who served as architect for the project, delivered a presentation on the challenges the team overcame to repair the concrete structure.

The project was a concrete façade rehabilitation program of the 20-story residential tower, known as Building 2, at Wheaton Center Apartments. The project was awarded by the International Concrete borgata pokerRepair Institute for its “uniqueness, use of state-of-the-art methods, use of materials, functionality, value engineering, and aesthetics.”

The judges for the award included of engineers, contractors, and manufacturers from all over North America.