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On Friday, a top Berglund foreman received the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Humanitarian Service Award at St. Bernard Hospital. Savan Hines, who has been with the company for 13 years, was honored by the Englewood hospital because of his work as a dedicated mentor to at-risk young men in the community.

The ceremony, which was held at the Chapel in Borgata Casino gamesSt. Bernard Hospital, was attended by members of Savan’s family, his mentees, hospital employees and several members of the Berglund team. Sheldon Smith, one of the mentees in attendance, spoke about how Savan has helped him to succeed in life and work. The president of the company, Fred Berglund, spoke about how Savan’s dedication to bettering his community has made the company better as well.

Savan’s work with at-risk young men is inspired by his own story. After his early involvement in gang activity led to trouble, he discovered his calling with a career in construction. He met Fred and joined Berglund as a laborer in 2005 – 10 years removed from serving a jail sentence for gang-related offenses – and quickly became one Borgata online casinothe company’s best foremen. Rev. John York, the former pastor of Christ Way Missionary Baptist Church, was instrumental in guiding Savan toward a career in construction while helping him find ways to give back to the community.

As he found his footing in the trades, Savan began mentoring young men in Rev. York’s after school program. Savan remains involved with the church and provides daily guidance to young men about how to be a professional. Known for his honest and authentic approach, he readily shares his own life story with young men who show promise but are at-risk for repeating his own mistakes. These young men know that they can call Savan at any hour if they need help or advice.

Five years ago, Savan tragically lost his son to gun violence, which has further motivated Borgata Casino gameshis community activism. His latest project is working with Chicago CRED, a social impact organization with a singular purpose of reducing gun violence in Chicago. Through his involvement in the organization, he provides support for young men who are interested in a career in construction.

Savan worked as a laborer foreman on the St. Bernard Hospital Ambulatory Building that was erected in 2016. We congratulate Savan and his family on this prestigious award and thank him for his service to the community.