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The PBC Board has approved a Partial Undertaking Request from the Board of Education for a new annex at Stephen Decatur Classical Elementary School. Decatur is a K-6 school for academically advanced students. The school is Borgata Casino gamesnamed after Stephen Decatur, an American Naval Officer in the Revolutionary War.

West Ridge's Stephen F. Decatur Classical School has had many years of problems with overcrowding but will soon get a massive annex and schoolyard built that will alleviate these problems.

The annex will include the following:

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- Gym/cafeteria

- Library

- Science room

- Renovations to the existing school building

- Turning the library into a dance room

- Turning the multi-purpose room into a music room

- New playground

- Turf playing surface

- Expanded parking lot

This expansion will allow Decatur to add 7th and 8th grade classes for the first time.


We are a community of dedicated teachers and curious students who persevere in the exploration of learning.


We celebrate the incredible ability children have to learn. We provide an unrivaled educational experience that is defined by a culture of positive social, cognitive, and individualized development.

In 2018, then-Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced $20 million in funding for the new annex at Decatur. This was part of a $1 billion building initiative for CPS.

Work on the annex began in November and is scheduled to be completed in time for school next year while work on the parking lot, playground and turf field will finish by the end of 2020.

This new expansion will allow the students to complete their ele­men­tary education in one school, and will remove a major source of stress for the children.”

Debra Silverstein

Alderman 50th Ward