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Berglund Construction is currently completing the new 23,000 sqft, three-story annex to the existing three-story school building. Borgata CasinoThis new addition will allow the school to increase capacity and expand its program to include 7th and 8th-grade. Renovations are also taking place in the existing school to allow for the expansion of grades and different curriculum.

The new annex will include a new gymnasium / multi-purpose room, a new student dining / multi-purpose room, a hybrid kitchen, various offices and storage spaces, utility rooms, and an elevator. The project will also include additional site work such as, a parking lot, stormwater management Borgata Casino gamesinfrastructure, and landscaping.

Watch the CBS Chicago interview as they follow principal, Dockery through the empty Poe Classical School as construction pushes ahead for a summer completion and an anticipated fall school year start.