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Some of Berglund’s most experienced craftsmen are restoring the historic façade at St. Luke Church in River Forest, IL. The Borgata CasinoTudor Gothic Church, which was designed by architects McCarty and Smith, was built in 1936. The church is constructed with Joliet limestone bearing walls and brick masonry back-up and Indiana limestone trim. Berglund’s work on the structure includes grinding and tuckpointing at the stone and brick masonry mortar joints, replacing damaged stone ashlar units, resetting displaced stones, painting wood and steel windows, refinishing the exterior wood doors, and cleaning the facades. Berglund’s 2016 work includes restoration borgata casino reviewsat the church’s main entrance façade and the adjacent bell tower. This phase of work is scheduled for completion at the end of September. The restoration is part of St. Luke’s 125th Anniversary Capital Campaign commitment to address the pressing needs of the buildings and grounds before they become major problems.