Borgata Casino games

Berglund has long maintained a comprehensive library of checklists that our team members use in the field before, during and after completing important construction tasks.

A newly released study Borgata Casino gameshighlights just how important checklists are for ensuring tasks are done the right way. According to an article in the Washington Post:

Surgery checklists save lives, a study released Monday found.

Hospitals in South Carolina that completed a voluntary, statewide program to implement the World Health Organization's Surgical Safety Checklist had a 22 percent reduction in post-surgical deaths. The study, set to publish in the August 2017 issue of Annals of Surgery, is one of the first to show a large-scale impact of the checklist on the general population.

Berglund’s checklist library includes both Borgata Casinosafety and quality control inspections. Topics range from concrete installation to scaffold safety. The library lives in Procore, a leading provider of cloud-based applications for construction. Our project teams complete their checklists in Procore’s application, which owners and architects can access as well.

Like the surgeons in the hospital, our field teams have found that checklists make us a better, safer organization.