Saint Athanasius Parish
Exterior Facade Restoration
Berglund performed the exterior façade restoration included grinding and tuckpointing, rebuilding borgata pokerall the stone in bell tower, removing and replacing all exterior sealant with repairing / replacing copper units.
  • Project Type
    • Restoration
  • Status
  • Delivery Method
    • Lump Sum
  • Services
  • Location
    • Evanston, IL
  • Duration
    • 10 Month
  • Architect
    • Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates

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Exterior Façade Restoration included grinding and tuckpointing, rebuilding all the stone in bell tower, removing and replacing all exterior sealant with repairing / replacing copper units. Berglund repaired slate shingles in specific elevations and replaced flat roofs at specific elevations. Berglund, as always putting safety first, was meticulous while working around an active school and church campus.