The John Buck Company
155 N. Wacker, Lobby Curtainwall Replacement
Berglund offered initial budgeting and scope review services for the repair of the curtainwall entrances at 115 N. Wacker.
  • Project Type
    • Restoration
  • Status
  • Delivery Method
    • GMP with Curtainwall Design-Assist
  • Location
    • Chicago, IL
  • Duration
    • 12 Months
  • Size
    • 6,000 sqft
  • Architect
    • borgata casino reviewsHED (Harley, Ellis, Devereaux)

Borgata Casino

Berglund provided services for initial budgeting and scope reviews to repair the curtainwall entrances at 115 N. Wacker. After facilitating feasibility studies, Berglund was hired to replace both, 60’ wide by 55’ tall curtainwalls, along the building’s Randolph Street facade. The replacement of the curtainwall included the demolition of the existing cable net curtainwall, including de-tensioning and removal of the cable system, and the installation of a new structurally glazed glass fin curtainwall system with sliding and revolving doors.

To facilitate the curtainwall replacement, our team borgata pokercreated temporary enclosures to allow for work to occur regardless of weather, protecting the building’s interior environment and operations. Additionally, we utilized 3D modeling and subcontractor support to facilitate the most effective enclosure system and coordinate site logistics.

Our BIM team laser scanned the surrounding area and animated the process to show different options to get the crane from the street to the active work zone. This side-by-side video showcased how we fit a 50-foot crate between two columns and over decorative benches without impacting the building’s landscaping.