The University of Chicago Medicine
Mitchell Hospital CT Scan Rooms Project
Berglund executed the construction of three new CT Scan Rooms at Mitchell Hospital’s 1st floor in just three months. The project required complex Borgata Casinocoordination and careful work near active lab and Radiology areas to minimize disruptions.
  • Project Type
    • Building
  • Status
  • Delivery Method
    • Lump Sum
  • Location
    • Chicago, IL
  • Duration
    • 3 Months
  • Size
    • 4,150 sqft
  • Architect
    • Bailey Edward

Borgata Casino games

Berglund completed the buildout of three (3) new CT Scan Rooms and adjacent support spaces on the 1st floor of Mitchell Hospital. This was a fast-track project that went from award to activation in just three (3) months. The project included complex MEPFP coordination and addressing multiple unforeseen and concealed existing conditions that Borgata online casinowere discovered during construction. Additionally, the project included delicate work above active an active lab space and adjacent to their Radiology department. Berglund’s field team worked closely with the design team, trade partners, and the hospital plant operations to minimize disruptions and complete this important project.