Tawani Enterprises
Stone Terrace Bed and Breakfast
Berglund restored the 12,000 sqft historic residence and built a new 6,000 sqft coach house in the same Tudor Revival style.
  • Project Type
    • Building
  • Status
  • Delivery Method
    • Construction Management At-Risk
  • Services
  • Location
    • Evanston, IL
  • Duration
    • 19 Months
  • Size
    • 18,000 sqft
  • Architect
    • Paul Janicki Architects

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Since its founding in the late 1800s, Evanston has been known for the many beautiful estates located along its lakefront. Among these estates is a Victorian home that Borgata Casino gameswas constructed in 1883 and transformed into a Tudor Revival in the early 20th century by the prestigious Evanston architectural firm Mayo and Mayo.

The visionary developers at Patriot Park, LLC, saw in this home a magnificent treasure that could be restored and repurposed as a bed and breakfast. The firm hired Berglund Construction as construction manager and partner in fulfilling this vision. The property is now known as Stone Terrace Bed and Breakfast and is co-owned and operated by Evanston residents Sue and Tom Zipprich.


This project had three primary construction components: the restoration of the existing 12,000 sqft historic residence, the construction of a new coach house, and the oversight of all associated site work including civil work and landscaping.

The exterior of the building has been designated as a landmark by the City of Evanston. This designation Borgata Casinomeant that exterior features had to remain true to the original design or be replaced in kind. The interior of the building was treated with similar care. Everything on the first floor, excluding the kitchen, remained as it was when the home was built 132 years ago. The second and third floors of the home included subtle, antique architectural details that were original and restored as well.

The building required some modern modifications to successfully serve as a bed & breakfast. The mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems are now state-of-the-art. A fully monitored fire alarm system provides fire protection, and hidden speakers inside the plaster walls play music throughout the house. We installed tablets throughout the home that allow users to easily adjust all of these systems. We installed a new elevator shaft using materials to match the original finishes, and Borgata Casino gamesthe existing structure was reframed and re-supported to allow for new room layouts on the upper floors.


This unique enterprise is making Evanston a destination point for tourists. The bed and breakfast provides Northwestern University – itself an Evanston landmark – with a charming venue for hosting dignitaries, visitors, and students’ families. Stone Terrace Bed and Breakfast is within a short walk of the campus and downtown Evanston. Berglund won a City of Evanston Preservation and Design Margery B. Award for the project.

Although the exterior of the building is a des­ig­nat­ed landmark, the interior is not. This did not, however, stop the project team from pre­serv­ing the his­tor­i­cal integrity of the interior.

From the Team

The owner wanted visitors to be taken back in time while enjoying modern amenities. The end result shows the building team’Borgata Casino gamess success in carrying out this vision.