Francis W. Parker School
Suzanne Crown Goodman Science Wing
For 20 years, Berglund has been the exclusive contractor working with Francis W. Parker School and totaling in more than $75 million.
Project Overview

Berglund was selected to provide construction manager for the new science wing and renovated high school biology, physics, and chemistry labs and classrooms. Preconstruction services included design assist, cost analysis, value engineering, scheduling / phasing and constructability analysis. The project was a fast track summer project that included the addition of offices, locker rooms, and biology, physics and chemistry laboratory spaces.

The school now has more space to conduct experiments and modern equipment to Borgata Casino gamesimprove accuracy. Laptop computers became available for students in every science class. Students were also able to compare their lab results with other students in the class in real-time due to the wireless network that enables the data entered by each student to appear plotted graphically on all of their computers. Not only can students see the results of their peers as they perform these experiments, but the network access available from these computers allows them to access saved data from all the computers on the school network. This allows the students the ability to look at their data, and compare and contrast it with others, at any time. Limited Borgata online casinosite access and a tight construction schedule required detailed planning and scheduling to accomplish the renovation and construction of this science facility.